"You alone are enough. You have nothing to prove to anybody." Maya Angelou
Part II
I published a Part I and II because I was originally inspired to post both photos side by side, the photo of Nôtre Dame de Paris illuminated (Part I) and the photo of the Nasir al-Mulk Mosque in Shiraz, Iran (Part II). The grandeur of Nôtre Dame reminded me of the magnificence of the light shining through the colored glass of the ‘Pink Mosque’. To honor the sacred energy of both edifices, I decided to write two separate but linked posts. Both revered monuments call for our profound admiration, transport us to a Divine place. They remind us of our ability to transcend beyond all factions and see Heart everywhere in our life, the main theme of a Pluto station.
The prevalent heavy energy, like a slow moving bulldozer unearthing all in its path, that many of us are currently sensing, stems from the Pluto station of April 24. The intensity of Pluto in general may be felt up to 10 days ahead and a week after the station. This planet symbolises the Lord of the Underworld and represents, at the same time, the greatest Shaman of the zodiac. It brings what was hidden back to the surface, usually for transformation and healing. Our experience of this vibration depends on how we choose to channel this often unconscious collective pattern. What qualities animate us, motivate us deeply? Are we honest with ourselves and with others? Are we truly connected to Heart, with pure intention, or are we operating from an overly active intellect or ego? Another way to ask is: are we coming from a state of humility, gratitude and appreciation, or are our thoughts and actions originating from a state of fear?
Pluto is about death and rebirth, corresponds to the major arcana XIII in the Tarot, and the sign of Scorpio. In the old world and unfortunately still today, it rules oil and bullies of all kinds. However, Pluto transforms for the better, painfully slowly but surely, deeply and permanently, whatever it touches. April 22, Earth Day happened with Pluto motionless, therefore immensely powerful. It is a hopeful sign that our mutation is palpable, brought to light more forcefully by our awakened youth. God bless them for taking over leadership for a profoundly renewed world, all Pluto themes. We are grateful for their joining all the efforts made so far in promoting new and sustainable ways of life (environmental, economic, social, political etc.). A shift in paradigm is urgent and coming…
During such a period, our heart may be broken and the pain felt more acutely by the loss of a dear one, human or animal, or of something treasured. The greater the Spirit, the greater the loss. In all cases, may it be the passing to Heaven or the state of a relationship no longer being what it was or the observing of decay, the suffering is real and must be acknowledged. Nothing can lighten it but proper mourning and the passage of time. However, I was blessed to experience what I’ll share here to help us mourn and move on. The remedy is:
to realize that reliving the pain over and over, which feeds pity, and creates permanent suffering, is not helpful for us, nor is it for the departed or being we are separated from, who needs Joy and Love wherever they are.
to release the mental images we created of a projected future in which our dear one was present. This is key! We must let go of the future we imagined that included our loved one.
Another issue we may experience while Pluto’s resonance is powerful is a concern of ownership and loss of Self. A life lesson for the ones affected by Pluto transits, or because we channel a strong Pluto archetype in general. Are we solidly connected to our Core, our Center, positioning ourselves clearly as to who we are, how we want to operate and what our limits are? Are we letting others encroach upon our territory, take our time, steal our energy? Pluto can bring about power struggles, problems of dominance and abandonment issues. Who is controlling who, lying and manipulating who? Are we owning ourSelf, taking responsibility for our choices or are we letting ourSelf be owned by someone or something else? Who and what is being lost in the unbalanced dynamic?
At this time, with Pluto so strong, the Universe is facilitating our succeeding in identifying more clearly the maneuvers certain people use to reach our foundation and steal our energy. People with strong egos weaken us by subtly ‘making us feel lesser than’. They may create drama, stir up emotions, create conflict to drain our energy and feed on it. It is very sneaky behavior and not obvious to recognize at first. If we feel less confident, in doubt, anxious, after an exchange with a person, it is an immediate red flag!
It is a clear signal that we must sever relations with such people.
If we can’t physically do so, we can energetically cut by visualizing unplugging with determination an energy cord from our navel and sending it back to where it belongs.
We may also visualize a great big ball of white light in our Heart chakra and expand the light to occupy our entire body and beyond.
A good practice to bolster ourSelf is to affirm that ‘we are good enough, we are always, under every circumstance, good enough’.
The following quotes complement the title of this blog and are helpful to remember:
"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." Eleanor Roosevelt
"A man cannot be comfortable without his own approval." Mark Twain
To illustrate the archetype of Pluto at work in my own field, my point of view is that Astrology only gives us a tiny glimpse of the bigger picture. Instead, I could pretend that I know all secrets, instill fear and take control of you! I would make you dependent on me. That is unfortunately what many practitioners in all healing modalities do. Have you ever experienced consulting a “helper” (for body or mind) and coming out feeling that you were broken and in need of repair? If so, run! We are all already just right because Divine. We are Spiritual Beings having a human experience and occasionally need guidance and support. When a therapist consciously embodies the Pluto Healer archetype, we should always feel comforted, validated and strengthened in ourSelf. As a matter of fact, that should be true of any interaction with anyone. The catalyst’s role is to remind us of our own capacity to mend, to facilitate it and help us recognize our own mental, emotional, spiritual and physical potential for perfection. The exchange should be uplifting, energizing and supportive of continued growth.
Astrology helps us understand a minimal part of the whole story, hence it is just a tool among many, albeit a helpful one. In addition, there is always so much symbolism available that we tend to focus on what resonates the loudest with us. I do my best to capture the essence of the moment and relay my understanding of it. I expect to attract the readers and clients who will benefit most from my take on things. It is clear that I may only offer a facet of the larger view through my prism, so I trust that all always happens in Divine order. I set forth intention to clarify a higher version of the energies at play to elevate us while navigating rough waters.
Ultimately the easiest and best way to evolve through life, and during a Pluto station especially, is to nourish our confidence, faith, no matter our creed or beliefs. We are always better off trusting that each present moment will lead us to our best next moment. Even when our greatest doubts and fears are triggered, if we feel sure that our betterSelf, higherSelf, Soul, or our Guardian Angels, or Source, God, the Universe have our back, we may ease our pain on our journey, accepting that all is part of the process. The faster we let go, stop resisting, and go with the flow, the less challenging our life and the more fulfilled we feel. During a Pluto period, we know we are on the right track if we feel profoundly alive, between the moments of exhaustion :-)
To love is to recognize the Divine in Self and all others. That’s what Pluto wants to instill in us.
PS. Sorry for the long blog, Pluto is a handful :-)
Thank you. I choose to smile. All my love, Corinne Cévaër-Corey
Ethical Astrologer and founder of CorAwakening
Photo by Steven Su