Focus on the rainbow and the blue sky; the cascade of emotions shall pass...
Our feelings may be tipsy turvy this week but let's have the presence of mind to take in deep breaths, stay calm and together. It is normal to feel unsettled right now.
Feb 13th, we have an explosive union of two symbolic warriors. Uranus/Mars in fiery and combative Aries may create an environment of emotional tension, crisis and upheaval. However, that very same energy may instead facilitate opening up situations that have been stuck for a long time and may do so in a surprising, sudden and unexpected way.
I decided, last minute, which is so characteristically Uranus (!), to write something, realizing that myself, several friends and family were going bonkers.
Different people are looking forward to different outcomes this week and depending on our unique birth chart story, and the seeds we planted, we may feel excited or unsettled or all of the above.
Mars symbolizes action, motivation and Uranus embodies awakening, invention or reinvention, revolution for evolution. Both, together, may bring about unpredictability, volatility, shock and over-reaction that can lead to chaos and violent behavior.
This archetypal energy may not resonate with us personally if it is not triggering our horoscope in a personal way. This pulse may be felt at a mundane, societal level or on the world scene (governments, big institutions, socio-economic-political global themes). Nevertheless, we may all feel this rollercoaster vibe.
This cosmic energy is illustrated in the Tarot by the Major Arcana XVI, where archaic infrastructure, obsolete institutions, constraining walls breakdown for a breakthrough, a liberation and a renewal.
We may feel the urge to act to release our frustration once and for all. We may have the audacity to take a stand, impose our limits, to free ourselves from what was holding us back. We may feel agitated, reach a point of no return, and decide to cut loose to liberate ourSelves (notice the S for higherSelf) from external or internal bondage, as we may be prisoners of our own patterns, limiting beliefs... It takes courage to tread new unfamiliar territory and leave our comfort zone but sometimes, we are called to action to break barriers and now is one of those times.
If we stay conscious, we may experience a positive outcome but not necessarily in the expected way. We may suffer sudden unforeseen loss or may decide to walk away; either way, it is for our regaining our freedom. We may find a sudden resolution, faster than in our dreams or we could finally give up, let go in a very abrupt way and switch direction, leading us to our true place.
The good news is that with Uranus and Mars, we'll know quickly! They do not linger and by the end of the week or at least by the next full Supermoon (Feb 19th), we'll know what the lesson or surprise gift was meant to be. Uranus slices the veil of doubt and brings clarity. We will be able to see whatever situation we are in for what it is and move on... with grace and gratitude :-)
Check with me later to see if I learned my lesson and was able to ‘just chill’, and practice ‘everything is fine, be grateful and relax’ :-)
The ultimate divine goal is for us to learn FREEDOM at many levels (in the Here and Now). Let's keep that in mind.
Combative Mars comes to meet erratic Uranus while both are in spirited Aries. This unique combination, which won't happen for another 80 years! entices hot blooded swinging moods and explosions of temper. However, if we know this information, we may consciously temper down our bubbling feelings and will have no excuse not to stay collected, centered and grounded.
This week is for 'CorAwakening', growth and transformation.
Thank you. I choose to smile. All my love, Corinne Cévaër-Corey
Ethical Astrologer and founder of CorAwakening
Photo by Sorasak