Abundance, Do We Truly Understand Its Meaning?
What if the term ‘abundance’ is not to be applied to the well-being of humankind but instead, it is meant for Mother Nature? Let's remember that Mother Earth INCLUDES humans, whereas we exclude Nature, and that is what this year’s experiences will change! The natural world is thriving while the coronavirus pandemic is creating chaos in governments, despair in healthcare systems, decimating populations, and destroying our economic and financial stability.
Do not fear, the world is not coming to an end, a new and better one is emerging. As a civilization, we are going through growing pains. Pluto-Saturn and Pluto-Jupiter interlacing all 2020 are catalysts, leading us to a newly found balanced prosperity in the coming years.
Astrology, just like everything else, was created by humans, mostly for humans. I also do pet astrology because I believe animals have a soul and a purpose, but that’s me. In most astrology books, Jupiter conjunct Pluto signifies success, prosperity, power and money, which we usually apply to ourselves. Perhaps this time, this particular conjunction speaks of Nature’s expanding its regeneration and regaining its abundance, influence and wealth?
Jupiter comes together with Pluto once, every 12-13 years. However, this year, they will align three times! That will be around April 4, June 30, and November 12. This signature is of great relevance because it is occurring the same year as the powerfully transformative Saturn-Pluto conjunction, which I spoke about in my previous blog. In addition, we will experience Venus and Mars retrogrades, that usually take place roughly every two years. The entire retrograde cycle of Venus will be April 9-July 29 and Mars, July 25-Jan 2, 2021. Quite a bit of heavy cosmic influence is piling on! Not to mention the next eclipse period in the middle of this mix, going from late April to mid-July. If that was not enough, Saturn is inviting humanity to raise its consciousness by going in and out of Aquarius and definitively back in this great Humanist sign on Dec 17, 2020. There is more, but you get the picture!
2020 will push us to reassess our relationships with everything, in every domain of life!
So far, we have mostly operated in a system promoting the flourishing of people at the expense of Nature. 2020 is a pivot year. Perhaps by the end of the year, we will embrace a new understanding of the word ‘abundance’? We need to refresh, review, reevaluate, redo, recreate, redesign, reorganize the entire structures of our societies. This paradigm shift will be felt in private and public sectors as well as in small businesses and big corporations. We will be forced to harmoniously integrate human and natural life for both to thrive.
Let’s embrace the concept of ABUNDANCE FOR ALL and adopt it at every level of society for Life and the Environment to thrive. All groups must be respected. The animal, vegetal, mineral (on land and at sea), and human kingdoms ought to be honored. Men and women at all echelons of our communities need to change their behaviors to include wellness for everyone and the respect of the natural cycles of life. Humans have no right to dominate Nature and take from it indiscriminately without giving back, as if its ability to reconstitute were eternal. We have depleted our One and only planet’s resources, abused animals and land for our own selfish benefit, convenience, and comfort.
Our relationship with the natural world has to be a fair give and take exchange.
We must stop stalling the development of sustainable ways to gather natural resources for energy. The motives for mass production of anything must cease to be for pure monetary profit. More is not always more. As a matter of fact, it certainly has become less, as people have gradually moved away from valuing the essential. We have lost sight of what really matters. A healthy life on a healthy planet should be of prime importance. We ought to abandon rampant industrialization at the expense of Nature.
The 2020 new year started with a massive transmutation theme like no other. It began in earnest with the eclipses of Dec-Jan 2020 coupled with the Jan 10 Uranus station and the extremely rare and potent Jan 12 Saturn-Pluto conjunction. The cosmos gave us a warning for an urgent and complete transformation and improvement of all societal designs. Our priorities were going to be altered… and they are!
At least, we need to be open to a radical shift in our economic and financial, socio-political and religious models. They have failed Mother Nature and human kind.
Jupiter is the God of Heaven and Pluto, the Lord of the Underworld. The Light penetrates the darkness to contribute to the evolution of mentalities, attitudes. The ostracized are invited into the group, the banned regain dignity, the repressed and oppressed can no longer be contained and rise to the visible realm. All shadows and ills of society surface to the Light to be fully seen and dealt with. Those explanations are my optimistic vision of what could be. It is possible, it’s up to us.
Our contemporary world is very much turned toward the outside. We constantly seek approval from others. Our self worth has become dependent on others’ approbation. The three Jupiter-Pluto conjunctions all year could facilitate a deeper appreciation of our inner Self. Our mental and spiritual practices must join forces with the grounded energies of our bodies and the natural world. Getting rooted in our body needs to be taken seriously. Most humans these days are running around like chickens with their head cut off. We are not in alignment with our Core Self. We are disconnected from our center, our essence, because we are not honoring the fundamental wellness need of our body. This has the potential to change this year.
What was hidden will be exposed, and in a big way! Jupiter expands Pluto, the power struggles, dark secrets, dramas, and scandals. All the skeletons of the rich and powerful will come out of their closets. Lies and cover-ups will be uncovered. Hiding is no longer tolerated by the Universe. This is it, the change is now! It is as large and thorough, as we have postponed evolving and respecting the planet we live on.
AUTHENTICITY will emerge of the 2020 crises victorious! The times are dire and we no longer have the infrastructure, time, and energy to put on a show. We no longer care to project fake or idealized images of ourselves. What you see through the video calls from homes is what you get. The public will grow to appreciate realness and may perhaps demand it going forward. No more make-up!
Will we rise up to the occasion not to cave in to authoritarian leaders? Many are seizing the opportunity of the pandemic to gain more power and a strong hold on their populations. Fear is a fabulous tool that autocrats and aspiring autocrats rejoice in using to limit people’s liberties. Demagogues are currently exploiting the COVID-19 pandemic for their own political end. Some democracies are threatened. Are we awake? Jupiter and Pluto are two powerful “Gods” (mythology) coming together to concoct a plan. Which scheme will it be? It’s up to us really, it’s up to us to educate ourselves, from many varied sources, even and especially when we feel uneasy.
Perhaps we will find new ways of becoming comfortable with our humanity by reconnecting with the natural cycles of our planet and communicating with our deep Self? Observing, honoring, working with and not against the elements of the natural world, as oceans, mountains, trees, animals, and rivers will restore our ability to be compassionate humans.
2020 is the year of abundance but not the kind that we were anticipating. It won’t be the expected churning of more products and services but instead, this year will allow Mother Earth to regroup and regenerate. This major transformative energy is to be experienced on the personal and collective planes. Its purpose is to bring back Heart everywhere and rediscover what it feels like to have empathy and care for one another, animals and plants included, of course :-)
It’s a year for reconnecting with our deep Self, our Humanity. As time progresses, we will tune out the irrelevant noises coming at us from social media, TV and elsewhere and prefer to recognize the wealth that we have within us on a spiritual level. Many will embrace going for solitary nature walks, runs or hikes to rejuvenate. Being confined accelerates honoring one’s inner life and in turn, also makes us yearn to connect on a deeper level with family, friends and colleagues at work. When we are prevented access to a normal life full of in-person interactions and activities, we start missing them. Nothing like a little deprivation to awaken gratitude and give greater value to what we took for granted.
2020’s excessive imbalances will fire in us a craving for neutral. A world without balance dies. We knew this a long time ago when the yin and yang were a way of life and we respected our environment and worked with it. Now we go against it with everything we do in our industrialized and divided nations. The ideal was for humanity to guide the pendulum gently back to the middle. Perhaps we went too far? Now the swing back to equilibrium may not be so subtle.
Home sweet home is agonizing. The other planets do not care about our suffering. If we do not raise our vibration by focusing on Love (and not fear), it’s on us. We can choose to resonate with the higher frequencies those archetypes symbolize, by emanating Heart. It’s about time we wake up and evolve! In 2020, the globe is witnessing the crumbling of obsolete systems for the rebirth of a significantly improved one over the next many years.
The turning point is 2020. Observing the idiosyncrasies we have created, humans are totally capable of rectifying our course. Force majeur will inspire us to make it our mission to rebuild a holistic world, taking into account the welfare of all, all people and all of Nature. Jupiter-Pluto give us determination and intense ambition to achieve significant advancements and to produce concrete results. But first and foremost, we must CHANGE OUR PRIORITIES PERMANENTLY! For one, horizontal and vertical COOPERATION between nations, within countries, spanning from the universal all the way to the family nucleus must take precedence. We have studied Mother Nature’s myriads of COLLABORATION models, we know what to do. We can act fast, we can act now!
Last but not of least, the last time Jupiter conjuncted Pluto was Dec 7-16, 2007 and their exact alignment was on Dec 11, 2007. Do you remember what happened then? The 2007 Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and to former US Vice-President Al Gore on Dec 10, 2007! I rest my case! This honor was given for their invaluable research on climate change and their dissemination of information about measures that could be put in place to counteract man-made global warming. Al Gore had released his movie “An Inconvenient Truth” in 2006 and was criss-crossing the planet tirelessly to sound the alarm.
For the ones interested, here is the award ceremony speech. It’s all in there, and we have made practically no progress since. We had a chance then, we did not take it. The Universe can no longer wait, so Mother Nature is doing it her way… to save us. If she goes down, we do too. The Covid-19 pandemic will make us change. I am choosing to see the silver lining everywhere in our current response to it. I have faith, we will find our way back to the Light.
The next time Jupiter will conjunct Pluto will be Feb 4, 2033 at 15 Aquarius, the sign of altruism, joint effort in solidarity and brotherhood for the common good. I hope by then, we can look back and be proud of Humanity :-)
E-mail me at corawakening@gmail.com to receive advice in a private session, I’d love it!
Thank you. I choose to smile. All my love, Corinne Cévaër-Corey
Astrologer and founder of CorAwakening
Photo by Michael Schwarzenberger