I choose to smile :-)
The Tao teaches us: “Where the awareness goes, the energy follows.” It cannot be said more simply and at the same time, it is profound. Where our attention goes is where we find success in creating.
I am extremely fortunate to have two naturally gifted “manifestors” in my family, who are teaching me The Way… as I observe the teachings being displayed in full view. If you guessed that they are young… you are right! They know who they are and what is right for them, they set the course, they focus, they reach their goal, with much effort but no unnecessary perdition of energy, and then they relax… and, in all humility, they ask: where is the problem? They instinctively know balance between give and take.
Everything is there, in those highlighted words. I am in awe of our younger generation! Why are we, older people, supposedly more mature, struggling to find Self-actualization and contentment? Because we do not know who we are! If so, we cannot know what we want. If we are not aligned with our Core Self, we desire a path that is not in phase with our Soul’s identity. We get sidetracked and it is such a challenge to get back to our rightful place. The ones who are always synched to their Essence and navigate through life trusting their own internal barometer are most likely not reading this blog, ha, ha.
Anyway, the last two weeks, some of us might have felt a lot of pressure to put our house in order. If we rose to the challenge, cut out of our life what was no longer serving us, we should feel much better as of May 6, relieved and optimistic with what is to come. We are perhaps feeling renewed and energized by the revised course of action we chose. We were courageous and made some tough decisions. We are now rewarded and ready to kick start on a revised and refreshed course. It is never too late to let go of burdens and redirect our energy… to feel buoyant again.
The sensual, earthy Taurus New Moon of May 4/5 (depending on where we live in the world) was fabulous and is still resonating its sweetness. We may feel its powerful ripple effects continuing this week now that Pluto and Saturn are decreasing in strength. This past New Moon was potent because on the ‘World Axis’ (15 degrees of fixed signs), so we are blessed with a back wind energy gently pushing us forward for the next two weeks :-)
It is an excellent time to set intentions and get going chasing the dream, but again, first, let’s know who we are. It’s a complete waste of life to run away from Self, when off center.
With Taurus, we hear or read much about looking for material and financial stability or aspiring to an everlasting love. Yes to all this but it is not stability we should be yearning for but Balance. We may strive for Equilibrium through the acceptance of change without resistance, worry and fear. We may obtain balance by allowing flow, the back and forth, the yin and the yang, always trusting that the pendulum comes back.
Again, our Power lies in our Choosing. Let’s choose to get excited about something that inspires us instead of focusing on what causes anxiety. It is a challenge to redirect our thoughts, immediately, to the ones that provoke joy instead. Brain scientist Jill Bolte-Taylor says we have 90 seconds to cut the circuit off the default patterns of thoughts. We have 90 sec. from the stress trigger (negative thought) to the time our body gets flooded with the chemical reaction. Often we cannot escape the stress, the pain, but we can certainly avoid the suffering, the mental anguish, which is a choice.
Our ego, mind rebells and justifies itself, its thoughts. Those thoughts, however, we can choose not to have them. We can choose to turn the radio off, poof, gone… It takes training, practice, over and over. This seems like a lot of work. Yes, it is but, surprisingly, we will feel less tired, less drained if we monitor our thoughts, discern and only choose the good ones. Pitying and feeling sorry for oneself takes much more energy. Our ego/mind wants to keep that secret well hidden. Too bad, it’s out, ha, ha :-)
It is up to our Higher Conscious Self to choose our thoughts. Our brain is brilliant, let’s be thankful for we need it to operate daily, but it is only a tool, not the pilot. Let’s keep at it. We will prevail. When we change our thoughts, we change our life. We are here to transmute the patterns we came to experience and overcome, not to be locked in by them.
So my two cents on this New Moon are:
let’s know who we are, who our Spirit is
let’s recognize our inner talents and ressources
let’s be aware of our just value
let’s respect it, our worth, our merit… and the rest of the world will do so as well.
Thank you. I choose to smile. All my love, Corinne Cévaër-Corey
Ethical Astrologer and founder of CorAwakening
Photo by Mark Gaynes