"Dog is man's best friend" Frederick the Great of Prussia
My Dog’s Messages
Bijou - 11 1/2 yrs old - Photo by Corinne Cévaër-Corey
This quote is fabulous and still an understatement! Unconditional loyalty and love beyond human imagination is what dogs give us. Most people appreciate their visible qualities, obvious to all dog lovers, but dogs gift us with so much more that we do not perceive, and for it all, we are grateful.
Some of us have special relationships with our pets, which can be illustrated with astrology. A mountain of information can be mined to enhance our understanding of our animals and enrich our shared lives. This time, I’ll skip the astrology and just share a few of Bijou’s messages. Trust me, it is all there on display in the horoscopes: Bijou’s natal chart, our relationship charts, his death chart etc. but I will avoid technicalities.
Bijou is a pure and powerful Spiritual Being. My experience is proof.
When my thoughts get caught up in doubt and create anxiety, all I need to do is focus on the Spirit of Bijou and I feel pulled up and out of the toxicity I created with my fearful thoughts. Because we had great intimacy when he journeyed with us, he has now become a cherished guardian angel, available, if we ask. Ask and you shall receive. We are all surrounded by many guardian angels, but forget to ask. Let’s remember!
Even non dog people, or landlords who were adamantly against any pet living on their property, welcomed Bijou! They recognized his charismatic peaceful Spirit and were drawn to him.
At age 13 1/2, once Bijou’s last mission was accomplished, he consciously chose his time of passing to maximize a peaceful transition for him and us. Here is how he orchestrated the whole event:
We all felt it was time but Bijou always bounced back, so we weren’t sure. We wished for an at home euthanasia but our vet could not work that week. We needed her kindness and expertise, and a clear sign confirming Bijou was ready to depart. So Chevalier Bijou produced a miracle (as did Calin)! Our beloved Doctor came the week she could not come, and chose Aug 15th! We could not believe it! Bijou knew I would be reassured by this special date because he would go accompanied by one of the most benevolent vibration known to Humanity, the Virgin Mary (she is revered in all religions). I could then ease into the process and even find joy, while crying a lot, of course.
He organized his ascending to Heaven on August 15th, the day of Mary’s Assumption, with his cherished family and vet, and at home in his favorite spot, on his comfortable sheep’s skin. Could he top that? He certainly did! He left while eating his preferred treats. It was beautiful to witness, especially since he never used to eat, not even a hamburger, when nervous. He truly left this plane consciously and in peace. His last lesson for us was rejoice in your five senses, while here on Earth, fully and always, even while dying. It’s never over til it’s over! Powerful! Or perhaps, considering how relaxed he was, he was validating that we weren’t gonna see the last of him, there is life after death :-)
Bijou held our hand and opened our hearts until the last minute… and still does.
The next day, over a period of several hours, Bijou showed his presence to us by playing with a salt lamp near our TV, turning it on and off in random patterns. Even our scientific son had to admit this could not be the bulb on its way out. Actually that bulb never died. This electric dance went on while we were binge watching (to drown our sorrows) a show called “… paradise”, of all names! Many of us know that spirits, once on the other side, can use electricity to show their presence to their loved ones. Calin did it with my cell phone (Calin), Bijou with the lamp.
Not only that, but Bijou awakened in me a passion for a particular type of work that I have pursued consistently since his passing, launching me on the next phase of my career. He is encouraging me from above and sending me signs of confirmation. One of them was amazing: one day I open my Twitter and saw a grey/white wolf playing in the snow with Bijou’s favorite toy, the identical same toy! The body position and the eye expression of the wolf were reminiscent of Bijou. In the context of how and when it happened, it was his way of reminding me to keep going, on the path he put me on, the very next day, after his death.
One time, when he was much younger, he got ill and the vet could not figure out what the matter with his lungs was. Her treatments were not helping. I then realized that perhaps he was not healing because he had something to say. I turned to astrology to hear his message. The second I laid my eyes on his chart, I knew. I then spoke to Bijou as I would a human, told him that I had heard his message and that he no longer needed to be sick. I promised that all the irritability in the house was to stop immediately. Our young boys had been fighting a lot and I was yelling. Homework time was stressful and the energy in the house was often tense. Bijou’s getting sick was his radical solution. The boys promised Bijou that they would stop bickering, so did I. We all apologized, my husband included. The very next day, he was cured! I am not making this up.
I must have missed so many of his messages, but oh well, we do our best with the awareness we have at that moment and must trust that all is always in Divine order. The point here is that our pets are Extra-ordinary Beings, not to be taken for granted, and the people who share their lives with animals are Blessed, with capital B intended!
At the moment, we are not rescuing a dog yet as life circumstances prevent it, but there isn’t a dinner conversation that is not revolving around our next dog, what size, breed characteristics, etc. ha, ha… Calin chose Bijou for us (Calin). I can certainly feel Bijou working on it in the background, to insure we not remain without a furry four legged companion for too long. The dogs will choose us and not the other way round, we all know that :-)
Bijou was a Master Teacher, the kind that is better than the best spiritual books.
Bijou was hyper sensitive and could read energy. He was always with me, following me around the house. He was easily affected by negative emotions and even before I would express any impatience (nothing to do with him), he would flee to another room. He wanted nothing to do with me or us, if we were to be angry. As soon as he would take off, we would catch ourselves and call him back. He was our emotional barometer, remarkable.
He also instantly recognized loving frequency. If any family member hugged another, he would get up and rush over to participate in the group hug. It never failed, it was uncanny! He made us laugh so often.
He showed us that what we FEEL is what we attract in our life, not what we think. The Universe responds to our emotions (vibrational calling) not to our words, nor actions. Unless our thoughts or actions lead to genuine positive feelings, what we wish will not come. A grateful heart attracts abundance, Bijou exemplified that, over and over…
Bijou also taught me to turn my frustration or anxiety into Excitement and the pursuit of Fun.
Both of my dogs encouraged me to believe in the impossible, as it is only defined as "impossible" in the reality we create. Outside of it, everything is possible. Let’s be convinced and we will be happily surprised.
My observing the puppies, showed me they trust, trust in life, that I will take proper care of them, that there will be a meal in their bowl that night. If they trust their needs will be met, why can’t I? They helped me trust… that life will take care of me.
They also demonstrated that they were always “good enough” to be treasured, no matter what. Therefore, I could feel I was also “good enough” to be loved.
Last but not least, Bijou taught me Breath, the all important rhythm of slow regular breath. Bijou was an anxious puppy and I used to slowly inhale and exhale during our walks so he could gain confidence. Later, on our daily walks on the Santa Barbara beaches, I would continue this practice to calm myself down :-) Remember the example mentioned above, when our vet could not diagnose his lung related sickness. He was telling me to Breathe!
In the last few days of his life, he struggled with shallow breath. In the quiet of the night, I listened to and was comforted by Bijou’s breathing, as a mother would with her newborn. I counted his breaths as I practiced mine. I wanted to anchor in my body the sensation of conscious breathing, hoping that once Bijou went to Heaven, I could still remember PRESENCE by breathing slowly. I fit his rapid regular breaths, 1, 2, 3, 4 in one long inhale of mine, held my breath for another 4 of his and exhaled slowly during his next 4 breaths, stayed on empty for another 4 and so on… until I fell asleep again… peaceful.
It’s interesting that this particular breathing pace is now widely known for calming the parasympathetic nervous system. It is precisely the one technique used by the US Navy and Army Special Operations Forces when in critical situations.
Thank you for reading. Have Bijou’s lessons sunk in yet? I owe it to him to remember, to appreciate, and share. His messages are universal and everywhere. However, we are still not in the “Here and Now”, so the wise ones, our pets, repeat… because they love unconditionally.
E-mail me at corawakening@gmail.com if you would like to explore your relationship with your pets and receive advice in a private session, I’d love it!
Thank you. I choose to smile. All my love, Corinne Cévaër-Corey
Ethical Astrologer and founder of CorAwakening
Bijou - 13 years old - Photo by Corinne Cévaër-Corey