"The one who smiles will have the last word" Corinne Cévaër-Corey
“The one who smiles will have the last word”, precisely because they are open and not attached to an outcome. They are PRESENT and in the flow. I appreciate the good hearted and wise ones who are able to smile to everything. We will together learn how.
As a person focused on spiritual growth, I offer you to embark on a journey of exploration with me. Most of us are in and out of struggle. See if at any point, a word, sentence or question resonates with you and even brings you a small “Ah Ha moment”? Also, know that it’s ok to stray from the path, catch ourselves and engage again. As an apprentice, what I present is what I try and like, but I hear that it may not suit everyone.
If all is well in your life and you are never stirred to feel discontent, no need to read. This is for the ones, like me, who are not perfect but making progress :-) I have my ups and downs, so I look for solutions to shift to a better frequency when I am in an unsatisfactory emotional place. If my findings reach at least one person who will benefit and share with their loved ones, I will have contributed to the healing we are all here, on Earth, to receive.
If we smile as we are embracing a situation, we are obviously not upset with it, and that is great. If we feel angry at something, someone, let’s take a minute to ask ourself what is behind this emotion? Can we laugh with it? If we can’t, it’s time to do a little Ho’oponopono:
In addition to practicing what I shared in a previous blog, let me introduce you to my understanding of the ancient Polynesian philosophy called Ho’oponopono. Perhaps it resonates with me so very much because I was born in Tahiti? The fact is that as soon as I was introduced to it a long time ago, it made immediate sense to me. It felt true and right. To me, it is the absolute most powerful healing method ever!
Which book would you take if you knew you were going to be stranded on an island? Me? Hands down, the Ho’oponopono book! A very slim one indeed as the whole message contains on one page. In truth, it can be summed up in one word! See if you can figure it out as you continue to read?
All religions actually say the same thing. Around the globe, we are all invited to avoid judgement, to forgive, to have compassion, to trust that all that was, is, and will be, is always in Divine order.
To do the Ho’oponopono, we need to say and feel the following in our heart:
I am sorry (about thinking judgmental thoughts or attracting any negative encounter in my life)
Please forgive me (ask my Divine HigherSelf for forgiveness that my ego got trapped into a lower expression of self)
I love you (I appreciate the painful and the unwanted. I accept and include it into my life because it is here for a higher purpose, that I do not need to know about and understand. It exists because there is a Divine reason for it to be)
Thank you (Gratitude will open doors to healing)
And repeat eternally....
This approach is effective to heal everything, ourselves and all around us, all the time. If we practice and get no relief, it’s because we are performing the ritual from our mind and not through our heart. Ho’oponopono is a way of life, a permanent attitude we choose to adopt. If it does not work, let’s not blame Ho’oponopono, but let’s not blame ourself either, let’s have compassion all around. The more we practice, the faster it’ll become second nature.
Right now, during the pandemic crisis, is a perfect time to be reminded of this unique and powerful key to healing. Let’s not forget, however, that all preceding systemic issues around our globe have not gone away while our attention is elsewhere. It’s therefore always the perfect time to apply Ho’oponopono. This philosophy says that everything outside of us is a reflection of our inner being. With this belief, one cannot criticize anything, knowing that what we don’t like out there mirrors a piece of oneself. When we condemn others, we are in essence denouncing self. Even if we think that the other person and/or outer reality is so bad that we can’t possibly associate ourself with them, they still reflect some aspect of us.
So instead of rejecting and othering, we are asked to welcome and accept and put Love in it. Basically, we are asked not to judge… anything and anyone. Instead, we are invited to Love all that is manifested in the outer world. Yes, even now, all the more now! It’s important to take ownership of what is present in our reality, even if we think we did not choose it. Perhaps we did not consciously elect it, but I feel our Soul did so, we did unconsciously.
A nice exemple where we can apply Ho’oponopono is with our body aches. When my hip or shoulder, neck, back etc. hurts, I sense it and say “I’m sorry” to the physical suffering and recognize it as part of me, the individual I wish to love. Then I say “Please forgive me” to the pain, meaning that I ask for forgiveness for my unconscious default patterns that create it. Then “I love it”, I hug the discomfort, I put light and love there. We can add conscious breath and visualize cells being filled with light in that area. We embrace the dis-ease to stop the disconnect. We bring it back into our whole self, to rejoin all the disjointed parts, for the purpose of healing.
There are unknown profound reasons for witnessing and being exposed to certain occurrences. We need not uncover them to make us whole again. Our mind wants to know, our ego demands explanations. Both abhor Being in the Here and Now. Practicing the Ho’oponopono will take care of it. The reason is because it is a way we can stop judging ourselves and instead begin to appreciate who we are, deep down, no matter what, with all our fear, guilt and shame. Practiced at the individual level, over time, Ho’oponopono may bring World Peace and the thriving of Nature and all species (including humans).
Do we judge all the time? Of course we do. When do we not criticize, should have been the question! It’s ok, it’s ok, as long as we become aware, even after the fact, and commit to trying more consistently, we will be the better for it. When we are not used to this spiritual way, we find it very hard to integrate, but it is worth doing it. Little by little, it becomes routine to think in this manner.
It is easy to be grateful when we are experiencing something pleasant but it is extremely difficult to be thankful, happy and calm when we are subjected to an experience we dislike, confronted to someone who pushes our buttons. They are there to aid in our spiritual growth. Still, often we feel unsafe, dissatisfied and hurt and it’s challenging to bounce back. The Ho’oponopono system encourages us to take full responsibility for all that happens in our life, the good and the bad. I feel the Ho’oponopono prayer is a key to attracting miracles.
In this practice, we are healing the root cause of all patterns and behaviors we repeat unknowingly and that create painful experiences in our life. This does not mean we must cave-in to adversity. We can politely position ourselves in our truth, aligned with the Divine. But it’s best to immediately realize that the presence of the abuser or violating, compromising situation is mirroring some deep wound that we are better off addressing as soon as possible. We can practice the Ho’oponopono right away to bring us back to Center, where Love is.
Here is another benign everyday exemple to show you how we can redirect aggressive energy and convert it into soothing vibration. I was admiring and capturing a beautiful view with my camera at the top of stairs, with no one around. As I was about to descend, people were approaching, but they were not yet near me. From a significant distance, she yelled to get out of the way. That person disrupted my peace for no reason as they were not yet able to go down the stairs themselves. Perhaps they simply projected their fear that I was going to be an obstacle? The stern voice startled me. I could no longer embrace the beautiful moment. It took me a while to return to my calm state.
Still, considering this event happened to me, I had to already have been in an agitated state to attract this energy. If I were to have been truly serene, nothing could have disturbed me. I am thankful to the impatient lady for pointing this out to me, even if I disliked her intruding in that moment. I should have smiled at her, but was so shocked, that I reacted and told her she was being combative. However, after I took off, I practiced the Ho’oponopono to calm down, and forgave her and myself for attracting this violent vibe.
Lastly, the new Coronavirus illness has a specific frequency. According to me, the best way to get ill is to align oneself with its resonance by fearing it, by feeling doubt around it and to “be at war” with it. Being at war creates division, duality in a world that yearns for unity and inclusion. Ho’oponopono helps us with stepping out of separation and into the principle of union, of One, of God.
Thank you Ho’oponopono. To sum it up, my take is that GRATITUDE IS THE KEY TO HEALING, EVERYTHING, EVERYWHERE, AND ALWAYS. Did you guess the one word I would take to the island? It’s GRATITUDE :-)
E-mail me at corawakening@gmail.com to receive advice in a private session, I’d love it!
Thank you. I choose to smile. All my love, Corinne Cévaër-Corey
Astrologer and founder of CorAwakening
Photo by Antonios Ntoumas