Stay healthy in the midst of uncertainty
All information in this blog stems from my professional expertise in varied holistic healing fields over 30 years of experience. Trust me, the remedies below help us raise our vibration to stay healthy.
Of course we should all follow the protocols put in place by world authorities. We should also adopt common sense hygiene, proper nutrition, exercise and mindfulness/meditation recommendations.
Here are my essential reminders of concrete steps to clear toxicity from our bodies and minds, and to strengthen our immune system. In no particular order, as all can be practiced simultaneously:
My top advice
1- Know that all diseases and illnesses have an energetic signature, a resonance, a vibration. The more we succumb to fear, the more we breakdown our own unique signature, our immunity, and allow foreign vibrations to penetrate our energy field and attack our body. By being fearful, we alter our resonance and weaken our immune system. Be confident that if we are meant to stay healthy, we will. However, let’s not be stupid by taking unnecessary risks. The following steps do help:
Stay calm, centered and connected to our Divine Spirit will increase our immunity. If we choose to be, we can be instantly connected in a straight line with the Divine essence and strengthen our Core vibration. Our Aura can get stronger and repel all vibes that do not resonate with our own unique identity.
We can all get aligned now with our HigherSelf as soon as we remember that we are much bigger then our physical self. We are an energy body first and foremost and all we need to do to gain confidence is to visualize ourSelves, our energetic cocoon, as being big and bright.
Recognize that the breaths we take are Prana, living healing particles. As we take conscious healing breaths, we increase our absorption of Divinity-infused oxygen that will constantly restore our cellular structure to its original state of perfection. See my “Breathing is a Sacred Act” blog for more information.
Mother Teresa is the embodiment of what I am talking about. She came from a place of pure unconditional love and had no fear. Her vibration stayed raised, preventing her from catching the diseases carried by the people she cared for every day!
2- SMILE, even a forced smile will lead to a real genuine one, eventually. Just smile :-)
3- YAWN, fake it until we succeed. It’s the most rapid way to short circuit and oxygenate the brain, to jump start the clouded mind.
4- EXHALE all stale air from our LOWER BELLY, followed by a deep LOWER BELLY INHALE (Hara Breath). Start with EXHALATION. I know that in the West we breath in first, but again, trust me and start with the exhale, go completely empty and then breathe in. We may practice this breath quickly or slowly, as we feel. Our unconscious knows the pace we need in that moment, let our bodies lead. The speed of the breath may vary depending on our mood and need. If our head gets dizzy, slow the pace or stop and start again a bit later. We can do this lower belly breath anywhere, any time.
Hara Breath helps us ground ourselves. We are in our physical bodies when we consciously repeat the breathing cycles. The key word is “conscious”. Come back to this breathing awareness as often as possible. This lower belly breath brings our excessive mental energy down into the body. It cools our brains, calms our racing minds and warms our bodies to give our vital organs all the ammunition to fend off infections.
We can also practice slow, rhythmic full breathing, from the lower front belly and lower back to the top of our lungs in front (heart) and back of our neck/shoulders area.
Always inhale through the nose, which has many filters. We may exhale through the mouth when focusing on cleansing, eliminating toxicity. We may exhale through the nose when the purpose is energizing our body by circulating new clean, fresh and nourishing breath.
As we exhale, we can imagine getting rid of all dark colored energy (doubt, anxiety, fear, frustration, anger, hopelessness, powerlessness, sadness, regret, envy). When as we inhale, we can bring in Bright White Healing Light from Mother Earth and/or the Universe, Source, God (Gratitude, Love, Joy, Happiness, Contentment, Creativity, Confidence, Courage, Patience). As we breathe, we visualize brightening our Aura to make it brighter and larger with every breath cycle.
5- If we can, walk or exercise in Mother Nature. Movement promotes circulation of vital chi in the body and is always healing. Breathe deeply, focus on breath and gratitude as often as possible.
6- Recognize and acknowledge the extraordinary biological machine we have and its potential for staying healthy. Thank our millions of cells for their extraordinary ability to communicate among themselves as a collective to keep us healthy.
By the way, our cells continuously communicate with each other and show us an amazing example of perfect coordination for the benefit of the greater whole, the body. Humans should do the same to protect Mother Earth and in turn, themselves.
Be grateful to all the parts of our body that work. Stay focused on the good, to transfer the wellness information to the rest of the cells. I worked with physical bodies for many years, rest assured, having constant awareness and gratitude toward all parts of the body works! Keep our doubtful thoughts at bay, they are not helpful.
We can help ourselves to bring this consciousness to our body by gently stroking our bodies from head to toe with gratitude. In my next blog, I will speak about my Healing Spiral.
7- Focus on having FUN and feeling JOY. Watch funny, light and entertaining movies and TV shows.
8- Drink water with a bit of Organic Apple Cider Vinegar to balance our body’s pH, also referred to as its acid-base balance. Stress makes our body’s pH become acidic and that breaks down our immune system. Apple Cider Vinegar and water is my magic potion that I take everyday! It works! Apple Cider Vinegar has an alkaline effect on the body when taken internally. Of course, once the pH is completely out of wack and infection is well entrenched, this alone will not cure us. It helps as a daily regimen to keep our pH balance, borrowing we otherwise have a healthy lifestyle.
9- Put three drops of Lavender essential oil in your palm and rub your hands together to disinfect. We may use any other antiseptic essential oil as Tea Tree or any other in the wide array of choice Mother Nature has blessed us with. I use Lavender because I get both the calming, soothing and antibacterial effects of Lavandula Angustifolia. Being French, I have had a bottle in my purse since I have owned a bag :-) Both Lavender and Tea tree are not phototoxic and can be used in their pure form (not diluted), something to check if you are to use other essential oils.
10- Steam with Thyme essential oil (you can add Tea Tree and Eucalyptus). All three essential oils are powerful anti-infectious agents in general. As a preventive measure, every night, I put a couple drops of Thyme essential oil in a bowl (one bowl for each family member). We put a towel over our head and a little bit of boiling water in the bowl and breathe in the steam that releases the anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties of the essential oils. When the water cools, you can add a bit more boiling water to create more steam. When we are done, we add a bit of honey and drink the healing potion.
11- In critical times, I would avoid alcohol, excess caffeine or other stimulants and drink lots of room temperature or warm water and eat lots of fresh fruit and vegetables, again, common sense :-)
E-mail me at if you would like to receive advice in a private session, I’d love it!
Thank you. I choose to smile. All my love, Corinne Cévaër-Corey
Ethical Astrologer and founder of CorAwakening
Photo by Corinne Cévaër-Corey