I Am Good Enough... to Receive Love.
We are all good enough… good enough to be heard and respected. We are enough to receive unconditional love, the kind of appreciation that does not come with judgement. If humans felt this way, always, the world would be a better place. Why? Because, if we felt “good enough” during every interaction with others, we would unconsciously relax and never be on the defensive. We would not automatically over-react, no matter what is going on. We would instead hold our calm, confidence and understanding attitude to allow true exchange. Let’s try it, let’s pretend for one hour, one day, several days… that we are “good enough” and see what happens. Perhaps miraculous healing may occur?
On top of bettering the quality of all our relations, we would increase Self love and would become compassionate humans. I have heard that feeling “good enough” would render us satisfied, self-centered and selfish. It’s the opposite. Many of us are often so afraid that we are not giving ourselves a chance. We often operate from a state of lack and continue living with fear of not having or missing out. We did not have fully PRESENT and LISTENING role models, so we perpetuate the patterns of the preceding generations, transmitting that way of being to our kids and so forth…
Let’s one day, perhaps today, awaken and decide that we are “good enough”, and commit to it.
Why is Bijou in the picture? Because he is strongly coming through wanting me to share this specific message, at this time. See the astrology of it at the bottom of the blog.
“CorAwakening” is the guiding principle of my work. Its purpose is to Awaken our Core (essence, true self), and mine in the process. I do it through any means, talking about dolphins, crystals, human relationships, dogs or else... I let myself be guided by the celestial vibes. I was born with a generic wheel, so perhaps I capture the meaning of the cosmic influences felt by everyone and put words to them? I trust that the topics I choose to develop, which are in tune with the stars, will resonate with some of you and produce healing at some level.
It’s a great time right now to forge ahead with confidence!
I am not often relating the current star activities, but I am always aware of… significant lunations (New moons, Full moons), planetary stations (Neptune as of late), outer planets aspects to each other (reflecting major mundane events and trends), planets changing signs (Jupiter moving into Capricorn), Jupiter at the Galactic Center, Venus out of bounds, Eclipses coming up, Mercury leaving its shadow (Dec 7), the current strength of the great Healer Chiron (station direct Dec 12) and more... I am not always sharing the cosmic news because I am trusting you all know I channel those archetypes through my messages. That information is all over the internet, and nobody needs me to repeat. I feel my role is to illustrate the lessons of the Universe through the different topics I cover.
My fundamental belief is that we ought to take full responsibility for our feelings, state of mind and actions. No one else can feel what we feel, so they should not judge, nor make choices on our behalf. Astrology enhances our life experience by making it a more conscious journey but should not take away our free will. It provides information to clarify the conditions in our life. It gives us the weather forecast, it is a GPS to aid us, but we still make all the decisions. We sense what is right for us and choose the path we want to take. Astrology is just a feedback tool to help us feel validated, comforted and strengthened. It can't tell us anything we don't already know. We are not trapped and defeated by zodiac signatures. Our fate is not sealed. Our natal chart is meant to be transcended. Our attitude sets us up for success, nothing else will.
If doubts creep in, let’s redirect our thoughts to self-worth. We deserve to fulfill our mission and to have our fundamental needs met at the same time. Let’s trust the solution is already on its way and about to manifest and for that we rejoice. The heart-felt happy emotions are what will attract the manifestation of our wishes. We are not victims, there is never an excuse for a “poor me” attitude that weakens our Spirit. We are always good enough!
The message explained by the current heavens and Bijou’s horoscope:
Bijou embodies “I have value, I am worthy, I am enough” with his Sun conjunct Moon (wants and needs) in Taurus (earthy, stable sign symbolizing sensuality and appreciation of the material) in the 2nd house of talents and generation of resources. He has an ingrained pattern of fear of losing (Sun/Moon square Saturn), hence his separation anxiety, also illustrated by his Venus on his ASC square Pluto on his MC. His natal chart allowed me to find out that the breeder removed mother too soon (creating fear of abandonment) and also that Bijou was distressed by the death of his littermate sister (Venus square Pluto on the angles, indicating a traumatic experience around the birth). However, his Sun/Moon are also trine Pluto and opposite Jupiter (tremendous resilience, optimism and a lucky star), with Jupiter being part of a grand trine (flowing, healing energy). This information was later confirmed by the breeder, who shared she separated the puppies to preserve her champion bitch. The ensuing spiritual work facilitated partial healing for Bijou (see photo below).
Right now, the Sun in the sky is triggering Bijou’s Uranus while transiting Uranus opposite Mars are highlighting his natal signature. He is communicating a way for us to find liberation (Uranus) from our unconscious repetitive neurological circuits. He is helping us release fears. In addition the Moon/Chiron in the heavens are on his natal North Node (his soul’s mission) in Aries (breaking free). All that on my own ASC! He is facilitating our healing, a breakthrough for us, the readers. That theme is reinforced by the North Node in the cosmos being on his Mars in Cancer. We are to heal our insecurities, stemming from “unavailable mother issues”, and believe “we are good enough, we are enough.”
By the way, Uranus rules astrology (and freedom), Neptune does spirituality, Chiron healing, Pluto catharsis. At the moment, when superimposing Bijou’s wheel, mine and the sky, we have a perfect alignment of heavenly Neptune to Bijou’s Uranus/Venus to my Chiron/Moon opposite my Uranus/Pluto triggered by transiting Sun. There are three such powerful alignments between our charts at the moment, but mentioning one is “enough” :-) It is indeed time to transform our cell memory or transmute our default programs!
Thank you. I choose to smile. All my love, Corinne Cévaër-Corey
Ethical Astrologer and founder of CorAwakening
You know where to find me if you need.
Photos of Bijou taken by Corinne Cévaër-Corey. Here, he is resting after the healing mentioned in the blog.