Deus Ex Eclipse, a miracle can still happen!
I love, love, love this photo! I could not find a better one to illustrate the mood of the moment, the atmosphere felt by many of us these days. Black or white, yin or yang, all or nothing, a time for extremes, hence simultaneously, a desperate need for a break, retreat, respite. Many of us are exhausted and want to bury our head in the snow too… Some of us are tired of waiting for our sustained efforts over weeks and months to pan out. We now demand a breakthrough but feel like letting ourselves have a breakdown instead. However, the current go go go energy pushes us, supports us and we persevere as we are guessing the light at the end of the tunnel. And yes! the eclipse will bring results! will bring the unhoped for, last minute miracle!
There are two states of Being we can be in: grounded, centered, aligned with our Heart, Soul, Core, higherSelf… or not.
If we are in tune with our own frequency, we feel confident, the ball is rolling, things are happening, we are thriving and let’s be grateful, grateful and more grateful! Let’s pat ourselves on the back and continue forth on our path. We are feeling joy, excitement and all is well.
If we are not connected to our Essence, Core identity, true Self, everything is not ok, we are not well, we feel anxious and cannot seem to find our way. At some point, we most likely surrendered to our mind, which is keeping us off course, as we stopped listening to our internal GPS, our body and feelings, the only way to stay in the flow of Life.
The eclipse period is not over. Yes, we just had the wolf supermoon total lunar eclipse this past weekend, but its sphere of influence spans until two/three weeks from then (until the first week of February). February 4th, we will experience a powerful new moon but I’ll talk about the Chinese new year moon in a future post. For now, it is about navigating the best we can this chaotic, frazzled, hyper, volatile, explosive episode of highly charged energy that we can either choose to use constructively or destructively. It is totally up to us to ride the wave with positive thoughts (even if we feel uncertain) or let ourselves fall in the trap of excessive negative emotions. No eclipse, no one outside of ourselves can be blamed. We must take full responsibility for how we are conducting our life. If things are not going well, we need to keep on readjusting our thoughts, ideas and actions until we feel better, one step at a time, one day at a time. We continuously adapt, modify our course, fine-tune until we get it right and feel good again.
We must, under no circumstances, ever lose our hope, faith, that we will find our way, that all will be made right, that we will be ok.
Somedays we may feel like the baby panda bear in the photo who is hiding in the snow. Sometimes it is ok to take refuge, a break, a rest to rejuvenate. However, we cannot hide from our challenges and escape from the truth for too long… and the snow will melt and we will be exposed eventually. It is best to face our life sooner than later but when we feel ready. We must honor our unique timing. As with the baby bear, at some point we’ll leave the snow cave we created, emerge from under the covers, ready to face our reality again and embrace it with courage, able to extricate ourselves from our problematic situation, make smart choices, the ones that feel right to us.
During such an emotionally intense eclipse period, we must exercise restraint. It is not the time to over-react, to blow everything out of proportion, to inject drama or exaggerate, emphasize an existing crisis; it is time to be mature and measured in our actions and responses. Now is a time to take a big breath, pause, to find momentary inner peace in order to be able to focus in order to resolve or find solutions to the issues before us.
The eclipse is creating a heightened vibration that triggers events. It is up to us to ride that rollercoaster with the most wisdom, ability to observe and detach as possible. It is best not to participate in emotional drama but instead remove ourselves from it, take some distance, in order to better assess what the testing situation or people around us are showing us. We must allow ourselves to take our time so we can proceed on our truthful, rightful path.
We are currently given a chance, an opportunity to see the truth. Eclipses expose, bring to light what we may have not wanted to see before but cannot avoid any longer. Also, when people are in trying times that trigger insecurities and they are in a vulnerable position, their reaction to the situation show their true colors, character. We must be prepared to accept what is.
What we did not want to see, since the last eclipse, six months ago, or since the one before that, what we shoved under the carpet, is coming out from under there, whether we like it or not, and we must see the situation we have chosen to avoid, for what it is. We need to stop trying to put our own spin on the story to make it work when, perhaps, it is not meant to be. We cannot force the square peg into the round hole, it will not happen, no matter how hard we try.
Let’s work on staying grounded, in alignement with who we are, and trust in the best outcome for us, the one we will, in retrospect, realize to be the right one for us. Let’s be grateful in advance :-)
Thank you. I choose to smile. All my love, Corinne Cévaër-Corey
Ethical Astrologer and founder of CorAwakening