"Love unites, Fear (judgement) divides." Corinne Cevaer-Corey
We all know the quote from Eleanor Roosevelt: “No One Can Make You Feel Inferior Without Your Consent.” Easier said then done since the first judge we encounter is ourselves! This theme is in the air these days.
I will not bore you with a thorough detailed explanation of the current sky. However, the present cosmic influences may explain the quality and timing of the general energy of CATHARSIS we may feel, more or less, depending on if and how our horoscope resonates with the heavens these days. Last week, this week, this stellar sauce is creating a period of deep healing of body and soul. We are being pushed to find ways to become whole right now. We are resonating with stuff stirring in the sky that is re-awakening our wounds.
The summary of all the triggers is: Chiron at 0 Aries (cardinal point) conjunct Mercury station, Uranus moving into the earth sign of Taurus for the next 7/8 years, a New Moon in Pisces conjunct Neptune (the ruler of Pisces), all around March 6th! We may find ourselves in a state of emotional upheaval, a sudden healing crisis or simply in a time of gradual release because we have been intensely and intently keeping at it.
How many of us are constantly feeling judged, diminished? By others? Others is the flip coin of self, we will discuss further down. The most damaging judgement is often so subtle, comes unexpectedly and repeatedly, in different forms. Many of us don’t recognize it, we are so used to it, but it chips at our self-esteem and confidence bit by bit, over time… until we wake up one day and are not well. We may be physically ill and/or have negative, sad, confused, frustrated or angry emotions, turned toward self or others. Our reaction depends on our psychological make-up and background, illustrated by our birth chart, which I can help you better understand in a private consultation.
Every time our enthusiasm is deflated by another or by our own censoring inner voice, that is judgement. It’s not necessarily obvious. For exemple, if we are excited to share a new discovery and the other responds with “Yes, I know” or “No, it’s not like that”… In one way or another, they respond in a manner that indicates they are not open to listening, to receiving. As a result we do not feel embraced. They are instead more concerned about talking, hence passing judgement. How on earth can we feel heard, validated, appreciated? The greatest irony is that the ‘know-it-all’ person is very often the one who needs to justify that they know cognitively or intuitively because they themselves feel lesser than, they need to feel loved, accepted and looked up to, just like us!
If I feel judged, rejected, I’ll raise my voice to compensate. Of course it won’t help and worse, it will contribute to alienate the other all the more. However, it takes constant thirst for awareness to even notice one’s patterns repeating, even if those were already detected a while back. Our default mode is hard to change and it takes courage to accept to be vulnerable and face our failings. It takes above all compassion for oneself to take the time to reflect upon the ‘why did I raise my voice’? The first very good step is to become aware of… (pat oneself on the back) and the second important step is to ask oneself why? What did the other person say and what did I hear (not the same thing), and what did it trigger in me?
It’s often not the other person’s fault, if they are well intentioned. They proposed and invited us to… but somehow the suggestion triggered fear, doubt, anxiety, a negative internal reaction. Let’s ask ourselves why? It’s well worth it. But the work takes time and creates fatigue. It’s easier to just ignore and go about one’s life… only to deal with bigger problems later.
Sometimes, people do not have to speak, their presence alone is creating discomfort and some of us are quick to blame. We reject because we judge, we create ‘othering’. What aspect of them reflects back to us some part of ourselves we do not like? or feel unsure about?
There is no human being on this earth who is pure enough to be able to judge another, and the judgement concept is a human concept to begin with. God does not judge. Animals do not judge. Nature does not judge. The Universe does not judge… it just IS.
We are quick to judge this or that person to be negative, to have ‘bad vibes’, to be controlling, manipulative or else... If they are in our life, they vibrate with a part of us one way or another. Ouch! We do not want to hear that!
Sometimes, the ‘toxic’ person is influencing someone dear to us and we are affected by ricochet. How to deal with such a situation if we believe our loved one is being hurt and we are as well by default? How can we not judge and try to impose our vision? The answers are: 1- let’s practice the Ho’oponopono (see below) and 2- Calm communication. Let’s position ourself very clearly, set our limits, to respect and protect self, but without imposing our will on the other. A difficult exercise of equilibrium.
Fear triggers judgement, creating resistance that causes more pain (emotional and/or physical). Chronic inflammation, immune system compromise may come from resistance. Fear, doubt, resistance, all create division, duality, contraction, blockage of energy flow, hence stress and pain. The opposite is unity, union, love, appreciation, openness, acceptance, allowing, gratitude, oneness, Divinity, faith and healing. Duality is everywhere, I am not saying it’s not.
However, if we are not personally thrown into crisis by a break in life flow, moved deeply by it, if we feel neutral about it, it means it’s not one of our issues of the moment. Fear was not triggered. We may feel compassion toward the disturbed situation but are not emotionally reacting to it, destroyed by it. Our cell memory is not resonating with that pattern, at this time. Alleluia!
When we are truly centered and emanating Light from our Heart, no toxicity can touch us. We make ourselves vulnerable when we judge because judging divides, creates duality, away from unity. The schism happens inside our bodies just as much as outside. However, if we were perfect, we would not need to walk this earth, so while on our spiritual journey, let’s just have some humility. Let’s have compassion toward our ego/self, remember we are more then what our mind thinks we are. We are a Soul, a Self (with a big S) in union with the Universe.
I was born in Tahiti, the island of the Polynesian people who are also in Hawaii, hence my great appreciation for the Ho’oponopono healing way of life. “I am sorry, please forgive me, I love you, thank you.” It’s a prayer, a mantra that helps us get detached from the gist of pain (physical, emotional, mental, spiritual) by injecting Love into it and healing the wounds, one layer of cell memory at a time…
"Heart unites, Ego (judgement) divides." Corinne Cevaer-Corey
By the way, there is never anything that astrology or any other healing modality can tell us that we do not already know deep inside! Therapists are facilitators of healing, guiding us in healing ourselves. We always know best and must trust that. The reason any information is available to us at a particular moment is because we already are in resonance with it. We sought it or attracted it to us. We just need external validation to feel comforted on our internal knowing, to get our intuition, inner voice confirmed. We wish to hear our truth spoken back to us with different words, we want someone else to hold the space for us to help us see ourselves more clearly, to practice connecting with ourselves better.
Thank you. I choose to smile. All my love, Corinne Cévaër-Corey
Ethical Astrologer and founder of CorAwakening
Photo by Kim Shlens