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A Lion Doesn't Second Guess His Nature, He Is A Lion

The lion does not ever doubt he is strong, he takes it for granted because he is!

Why are we always second guessing our fundamental nature? We are Divine beings or we are not. We can’t be half energy and half matter (which is energy, anyways :-). We are entirely vibration. I am not inventing this, Quantum Physicists have proven it. The Spiritual masters said it ions ago. Let’s accept it once and for all and stick with the fact that we are the Field! We are Love Energy Beings! Let’s no longer doubt about this. The Universe is perfect, so are we. When we get broken, we have the potential to repair within us and/or find the right catalysts for our healing.

I heard tennis world champion Rafael Nadal say once: “You are number one, or you are not!”. I loved his answer so much, I never forgot it. It was so simple and profound at the same time. A journalist had asked if he could win? Rafael spontaneously responded: “You are number one, or you are not!”. Of course! His answer reflected the mindset of the ultimate undefeated. For him, this was obvious. How could he win if he had doubt? How could he be number one, if he allowed himself to think that he could be number two? Brilliant! Loved it! That is how true champions think. But we are all champions in a way. So let’s start thinking like one.

Many of us easily give our power over because we feel insecure. We deny our own intuition and defer to the experts. Show of hands? My hand is up :-) However, all kidding aside, when we formulate a question, we already know the answer within, it is already in our consciousness; we are simply looking to get it validated. If we do not come from a particular awareness, we cannot ask the question. Here is a very simple example to explain this concept: Is the sky blue today or grey? If you do not already know the colors blue and grey, you cannot ask the question, right? It’s like that for deeper metaphysical queries as well.  Often it helps to think out loud with a trusted friend to get our own answer.

My friend and I attended an amazing spiritual and wellness “Flow Summit” online and did precisely that, share our thoughts about the wonderful guidance we were receiving. I felt, however, that not all speakers were coming from pure Light. When we heard one doctor share his approach to release emotional wounds, the following conversation ensued. I feel that many of you could benefit from our exchange.

After hearing him on how to heal from emotional trauma, my friend asked: “How to release deep emotions stuck in your body. Seems extremely difficult.” I am often in her shoes, so I heard her emotional state of disempowerment. I know how painful it is and wanted to help her. I received special aid from the Heavens this time, not to be fooled by the speaker myself. Thank you guides. Let me explain how they worked their magic :-)

I was partaking from my phone and had to put it on pause. When I resumed, I continued listening... and did the body pendulum exercises. It’s a kinesthesis technique.  I asked my body the questions that Dr. was leading us through and got my answers.  What I discovered later, is that when I had resumed listening from the pause, the recording had jumped almost to the end of the talk and had skipped all the explanations and examples he had mentioned to illustrate his points. That created a situation where I did the exercises without, beforehand, having been influenced by his definitions. My spiritual guides created this miracle to show me the right answers, for me.

Following were my replies to my friend:

First of all, here is an explanation of the body pendulum: let’s stand up, relax and root ourself. First, let’s ask our body a question to which we already know the answer is yes. Then we sense how it feels in our body when the answer is yes. After we have established how it feels when our body confirms a yes answer, we can then ask another question to which we already know the answer is no. We then sense how our body feels when the answer is no. Each individual is different. I disagree with the kinesiologist’s injunction that the body goes forward for yes and goes backward for no. That was misleading, could create confusion if our internal machine would prefer a different sensation response. His presentation of the body pendulum was a very first red flag for me. He was imposing his system or model onto us, telling us there was only one way that our bodies could respond to decoding our truth. 

Second, I received my confirmation that this person, despite pretending to be humble, was not sharing with selfless, altruistic intentions. At no point ever, when we listen to true “healers”, are we ever meant to feel “lesser than” during and after our interaction with them. This is a typical signature of physicians who are trapped in their egos and capturing our energy, our attention for the benefit of their feeling glorious. He created in us a feeling of inferiority so that we would run to his office to seek help. It is the way those types of therapists operate to attract clients. They make us feel disempowered, imperfect, “not good enough” and persuade us that only they or their method can fix us. The examples that Dr. used, I’m sure were real, but he attributed the cure of these humans solely as proof of the success of his techniques.

Let’s only receive information from people that make us feel good. We are not only allowed but encouraged to disregard the ones that we heard, if we felt “lessen then” afterwards.  Let’s only follow the ones who inspire us, lift us up, make us feel strong, optimistic and hopeful. We are “good enough” as we are. Many emotional baggage release techniques are available on the internet for free or with honest practitioners. Let us be guided by our intuition, connected to the Divine within us, to find what method works for us and which healer matches our current need. I invite us to recognize our Heart within that knows and facilitates flow, serendipity, synchronicity to show us.

This experience was extremely important for us both. It took me years to be able to discern false from authentic healer. I kept on going back because I kept on feeling that I was damaged. At no point did those practitioners help me feel whole, and I did not know better. I always left the sessions feeling incomplete with the conviction that I needed to go back… to continue mending. The reason is because, even if it’s unconscious on their part, such doctors operate in the mindset that they can only attract people who believe they are ill. I was one of them.  So they consciously or unconsciously manipulate us in feeling weak, dis-jointed, wounded, unwell etc. They “fix” parts of us and tell us we need to come back and back again to continue to get repaired… endlessly. Such coaches impose on us their limited beliefs that they know better than their patients, hence creating control. They do not realize, yet, as they too are on a journey for evolution, that they will be so much more successful when they will promote freedom and take the chance to never see their client again. Many such “therapists” are not yet aware they are in a controlling dynamic. It’s ok, we are all learning, but I choose to no longer be their patient.

True helpers and Light workers help us feel better physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. They support us in being more confident. They tell us that they are only facilitators. They encourage responsibility, independence and liberty by inviting us to rely in our own capacity to get well. They restore or reinforce our own trust in knowing we are already whole. They provide an impulse, send information to our cells to fire up the body’s innate capacity to heal. If therapists were to tell us that we already have within us the potential for full wellness, we would heal with more ease. If they told us they are only here to trigger a spark toward our own cure, we would mend faster. They too would benefit.

The few spectacular examples of emotional trauma release the Dr. mentioned occurred because in those specific cases, those patients were ready, in that moment, to completely let go of buried emotional scars. They could’ve gone to any type of therapist/listener, or no healer at all, the miracle would’ve occurred anyway because they were ready for transformation. This speaker was only a catalyst for their recovery. They cured themselves! What he does not say is that those people could’ve healed in a similarly spectacular manner with other techniques as well, not just his. He would be honest if he shared that information.

What restores health is not the method. What triggers the mending is when we consciously or unconsciously reach a point where we let ourselves, our body or cells reconnect with our Higher Self. When we reach a level of certitude that we will heal, we get well. Often we convince ourselves that this or that doctor will treat us, so we go, but it is our belief that we will feel better after the visit that makes us better. We are humans, and I am first in line. For us to allow the healing to occur, it does help to pose an act, to go somewhere, to pay someone, so we go and that is fine. The important thing is to be conscious of it and not to become dependent on that MD for the cure.

With any good therapist, one needs to feel better, at any level, after having seen the person. Often, in the past, I always felt worse after the session and was convincing myself to keep on going back to feel better.  I was violating myself. I was dependent because I felt “lesser than”, with pain here and there, I judged myself broken and it never ended.  I still have pain here or there but now, instead of running to the physician, I remind myself that my body knows the path to wellbeing. I trust I am healing, little by little, permitting flow of Life through me.

Under normal circumstances, I find myself urgently needing help when I am in deep fear. This happened recently. I freaked out about something and I called to the rescue. I could not sleep, my nervous system was on high alert, and I couldn’t rest. I could not feel peace.  I was too deep in fear.  The doctor was not available, but in the meanwhile, the fact alone that I knew he was going to support me was enough for me to do get well on my own. That is the huge power that we all have! We only need to have confidence. That comes with practice in reassuring ourselves every day. 

And that is what the Dr. from the Flow conference omitted to tell us. He wanted us to believe that his techniques provide miracles, when they do not. Practicing our faith, everyday; saying our prayers and expecting them to already be answered while feeling gratitude, is the path. We are “good enough”. We just forget that we have a direct connection with Heart/Source inside of us and all around us. 

Yes we have patterns, yes we have cell memories that come from, depending on our views, past lives, our ancestors, the womb, early childhood etc. One way to heal those is to reconnect with the potential for perfection that is already here, in us. We are constantly being told that we need to be improved. Hopefully, the new consciousness is not going to allow this abuse and manipulation anymore. 

"I have decided to be happy because it is good for my health." Voltaire

E-mail me at to receive advice in a private session, I’d love it!

Thank you.  I choose to smile.  All my love, Corinne Cévaër-Corey 

Astrologer and founder of CorAwakening