Let's purify our vibration with the Selenite Crystal.
Every year, around the May Taurus-Scorpio Full Moon, two rays of infinite Light, Buddha and Christ enter in communion to bless Earth and Humanity. No matter our religious beliefs, let’s all open our hearts around May 18th 2019 and stay conscious that during the Wesak celebration we are all showered with Divine Grace and Mercy.
This emotionally intense Blue Moon calls us to release all that no longer serves us and build on the seeds planted earlier. We are bathed in the Christic and Buddhist energies of Universal Love, Compassion and Wisdom. If we wish to cleanse, transform, revitalize and regenerate, let’s accept receiving this magnified downpour of vibrant Light. Let’s seize this amazing opportunity to raise our vibration in the powerful presence of extremely high spiritual frequency.
A week ago, I felt compelled to write my next blog on the Selenite. She was clearly calling me to work with her in preparation for this next special moon. Among all crystals, she is the stone that resonates the most with the Taurus zodiac sign, which is ruled by the planet Venus. Venus will be conjunct Uranus around this Taurus-Scorpio full moon, giving me all the more reason to advise all of us to welcome the help of the Selenite vibration right now. Uranus is an archetype that brings us a step closer to the promise of Enlightenment, in resonance with the Wesak healing portal. If you do not have a Selenite crystal, please use this photo to receive her aid during this time of passage. She facilitates connecting ourselves with our Central Sun, our Inner Light.
This Scorpio moon carries a more intense vibration than most other full moons. If we still have control issues, now is the perfect time to work on liberating ourselves. The Wesak moon is extremely supportive of our desire to reflect and evolve. It is very potent in helping us release quickly and with more ease to step into the fullness of our potential. It illuminates, reveals and draws out of us what we must let go of. Scorpio is about death and rebirth, transformation. It is time to face our vulnerabilities in order to transmute and get stronger.
The Taurus-Scorpio dynamic is about control and the releasing of it. A few examples are:
If we are afraid that so and so isn’t who we wish them to be or isn’t doing something for us or for themselves, that is not fear, that is control. First, let’s identify our fear, its origin and next, let go of the need to command. We may want to hold on to a person, a thing or situation but we are hurting ourself in the process.
If a pain appeared in our body for not apparent reason, perhaps we created an energy blockage there with our resistance, because we are still holding on. If we keep hope that the person will do this or that, that is still domination, we are not free, we are not in the Heart.
Sometimes we think we have let go because we stopped communicating our expectations but, in truth, we are still not freeing ourselves emotionally or energetically. When we realize that is the case, let’s exercise true compassion for Self and the other and have faith that all will turn up well, but not necessarily in the anticipated way. We do not know the outcome, we just need to have faith we will be fine with it and need to feel gratitude that we will always have what we need.
Regardless of how we know (intuitive, emotional, intellectual), once we have told the people soliciting the information, we let them follow through or not, any way they like. It is no longer our business, even if we are directly affected by the outcome of their doing or not doing. We may invite to act and then it is best to immediately detach from the next steps and allow the energy to flow anyway it wants.
That is so tricky and we all fall. I am sharing from my own experience of back and forth on the spiral of evolution. It is insanely hard to trust when our life hangs in the balance, but at the end of the day, it’s the only way through. We’ll always find help along the way. Right now, for me, the Selenite is coming to the rescue because she embodies the Light and I need support to stay in the Heart/Light.
My mother wrote about the Selenite in “Univers Spirale, Spring 2017, number 87”. With their permission, I am translating and adapting some sections to share qualities of this High Frequency Spiritual Crystal Guide that I love so much.
“Selenite: Clarity of Mind and Intuition. Dear Selenite, named in hommage to the Lunar Goddess Selene, of Moon color, soft, silken, refined, delicate, tender, satin-like, translucide, friend of he Light…
The Selenite possesses physical and metaphysical healing properties. She is a key that opens the door to the superior etheric chakras and has the capacity to accelerate our evolution of Consciousness, welcomed in this era of transformation.
When placing a stick of Selenite along the spine, she offers the possibility to open and activate the Third Eye, Crown and Soul Star chakras, situated above the head. Her vibration dissolves etheric blockages and allows the harmonizing and balancing of energy circulation. The Selenite can facilitate the complete opening of the crown chakra, called “thousand-petaled lotus” in the Hindu tradition. When this chakra is activated, the crown opens and a flower of Light springs from it, hence linking us directly to Source. When the Selenite rod is pointed toward the Third Eye, it sends a rapid and effective frequency that cleanses the auric field and frees all energetic clogs in both the etheric and physical bodies.
If we put a Selenite wand behind our head, pointing toward the top, we create a pleasant current that is welcomed by the body. The Selenite generated flux imitates the Cobra present on the forehead of the Sphinx, symbolic of great wisdom. Therefore, working with the Selenite crystal gives us a direct connection with the Wisdom of the world.
The Selenite, with its white luminescence and lustrous gloss, embodies and amplifies the whole array of rainbow colors. Her gentle crystal frequency appeases and confers clarity to the ones in need. She, alone, sustains all the energetic needs of the physical body and for the evolution of human consciousness. The Selenite may assist in elevating our vibration to the level of the crystal grid where we may consciously meet our Spiritual Guides. With gratitude, we call her the “Angel’s stone” and in a state of meditation, we may receive symbolic messages from the Spiritual world. The intensity gifted in the form of a Selenite “magic wand” is greater than any other crystal. She operates at the Soul level…”
If we do not own a Selenite “magic wand”, I personally believe that by acknowledging her magnificent presence and asking for her help, with awareness and gratitude, we automatically receive her powerful healing.
Thank you. I choose to smile. All my love, Corinne Cévaër-Corey
Ethical Astrologer and founder of CorAwakening
PS. My mother, Anne-Marie Cévaër, has a natural affinity and an innate understanding of the spiritual powers of precious stones. She writes in the French publication Univers Spirale. If you wish to read the entire article, please see https://www.univers-spirale.com/
Photo taken by Corinne Cévaër-Corey